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Evolve with lauren - yoga and fitness
Pilates reformer at evolve with lauren

Exercising with the Pilates Reformer is possible for anyone, at any level of fitness.

Pilates reformer for any fitness level

Invented by Pilates founder Joseph Pilates, the Reformer is a bed-like frame with a flat platform on it, called the carriage, which rolls back and forth on wheels within the frame.

The carriage is attached to one end of the reformer by a set of springs. The springs provide choices of differing levels of resistance as the carriage is pushed or pulled along the frame.

One of the best things about the reformer is its versatility.  All kinds of exercises are done on the reformer to promote length, strength, flexibility, and balance.

Most Pilates reformer exercises have to do with pushing or pulling the carriage, or holding the carriage steady during an exercise as it is pulled on by the springs.

Exercises can be done lying down, sitting, standing, pulling the straps, pushing the footbar, even “jumping” on a cardio tramp.

The reformer creates a unique and varied exercise environment that leads to improvements in overall health including better posture and graceful and efficient movement.  Pilates is known for creating long strong muscles without bulk.

pilates reformer for any fitness level

1 hour private lesson: $75.00
Contact Lauren via email
for a consultation

or call (203) 671-6692

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